Join us for a season of fun competition ending with a two-day final event. All Teams are guaranteed to play five – 18-hole matches plus the final two-day tournament which will take place August 23rd & 24th.
- Starting May 1st, teams will have three weeks to complete each match. Matches not played will result in both teams receiving zero points.
- Season points standing will ensure every team of two has a chance at winning the final event.
- The final two-day event will be on August 23rd & 24th. Day 1 – two-person net best ball. Day 2 – two-person net scramble.
Sign up now until February 28th and receive the early bird entry deal for $225 + Tax per player. Entry fee includes the final two-day tournament, prizes for top teams, and a tee gift.
Registration after February 28th entry fee rate of $275 + tax per player until registration closes on March 29th.
- Registration benefits also include preferred green fee rates at St. Eugene for the 2025 golf season. $52 Green Fee anytime Monday-Thursday and after 1:00 PM Friday – Sunday. The entry fee does not include a green fee or power cart for the five-match play matches. It is up to the teams to schedule, make tee times and play the match.
How it Works: Cutthroat Classic Rules
- Men will play from blue tees and Women from Green/White Combo.
- Teams of two people.
- 60% of each player’s handicaps will be used for all match play matches and the first round of the final two-day event. 50% of the team handicap will be used for the final Scramble round.
- Match play results will determine the starting position for the final event. Once registration is closed the groupings and schedule will be made and sent out to all teams.
- To determine the stroke holes for Match Play, all players will play from the lowest handicap player of the four players in the match.
- Example – Player A has a handicap of 3, Player B has a handicap of 8, Player C has a handicap of 13 and Player D has a Handicap of 17. Player A would play as a zero handicap, Player B would then receive 5 strokes, Player C would receive 10 strokes and Player D would receive 14 strokes regardless of who’s team each player is on.
- Players without a valid Golf Canada handicap will play as a zero handicap.
- A minimum of 12 teams will be needed to run the event.
- Tee times may be booked up to 28 days in advance.